Five Points Vol. 23, No. 1


Table of Contents


    • Melanie Rae Thon
    • Philip Schultz
      • Sacrifice
      • The Middle
      • On the Edge of Things
    • Wyn Cooper
    • Tatum Taylor Chaubal
    • Tom Sleigh
      • For My Mother’s Ninety-Seventh Birthday
      • For Mohamed Emwazi aka “Jihadi John”
      • Lines Written for Andy Needham After a Reading Is Disrupted at the Brooklyn Bookstore, Books Are Magic
    • Sharon Dolin
      • Almost
      • To My Avoidance
      • Decorate, decorate
      • New Relationship(s) Energy
    • Laura Newbern
      • The Children
      • The Bricklayers
    • Megan Merchant
      • Eye, Barb, Throat, Gap
    • Abigail Dembo
      • The Travelers
    • Gregor Fraser
      • The Smallest
      • The Last Time
      • Two Rivers
      • The Palace of Endless Wandering
    • Nick Norwood
      • Monument Valley
    • James Davis
      • To the Boxing Hedgehogs
    • Camille Carter
      • Thoughts about Inheritance


    • Ann Hood
      • The Museum of Tears
    • Samuel Kolawole
      • Portland Cement Food Canteen and Bar
    • Joan Murray
      • The Wreath
    • Abbie Martin Greenbaum


    • Nancy Reisman
      • Death Lessons
    • Joseph Bathanti
      • The Dead
    • Cathleen Daly
    • Sidney Burris
      • Doc and the Toad
    • Muriel Cormican & Chad Davidson
      • Running, Inside Out


    • JoAnne McFarland
      • A Domestic Lookbook