James Dickey Prize for Poetry
by Megan Sexton · September 21, 2022
We are pleased to announce that Susan Browne of Chico, California, has been awarded the Five Points 2021-2022 Five Points James Dickey Prize for Poetry. Her work will be published in the 23.1 issue of Five Points, and she will receive $1,000.
Susan Browne’s poetry has appeared in Ploughshares, Poetry, The Sun, The Southern Review, On the Seawall, New Ohio Review, American Life in Poetry, and 180 More, Extraordinary Poems for Every Day. She has published three books of poetry: Buddha’s Dogs, Zephyr, and Just Living. Awards include prizes from Four Way Books, the Los Angeles Poetry Festival, and the River Styx International Poetry Contest. She received a fellowship from the Provincetown Fine Arts Work Center. Her third collection, Just Living, won the Catamaran Poetry Prize. Her next book of poetry will be published by Four Way Books in 2025. Visit her at: www.susanbrownepoems.com.