Check Out The New Five Points Web Site!

by Megan Sexton  ·  October 02, 2014


It’s been eighteen years since the first issue of Five Points was published. A lot has changed on the literary landscape since then. The verbs “to blog” and “to tweet” were yet to enter into the language of every day back when we were starting out. In nearly two decades the journal has become and remains relevant. It’s an honor and a privilege to be steering such a vital publication into the 21st century.

So it is with great excitement that we are launching our newly designed website. We are extremely grateful to Bud Blanton and Karen Vereb and Mike Easterly and Anne Deeley Easterly, whose support was instrumental to us in envisioning the new site.

We look forward to our forays into the digital realm and the pathways it offers to connect with writers and readers on a new level. Our allegiance to print is still strong, so don’t forget to send in those renewal slips. And please stay in touch and do tweet us what you think about the new site.